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The 12 Days of SINGLE Christmas

On the First Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: A smile and a twinkle in my eye. (Because, single or not, I’m happy with myself and loving life.)

On the Second Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: Two dates. (One was late, didn’t look like his picture and ‘forgot’ his wallet, and the other didn’t show up at all) and a smile and a twinkle in my eye.

On the Third Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: Three Hallmark Christmas movies. (Have I ever told you that I am one of only five people in the entire world that doesn’t watch Hallmark Christmas movies?) Two dates and a smile and a twinkle in my eye.

On the Fourth Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: Four Christmas Carols. (He limited it to just four this year, because all the rest are used in commercials that play 24/7.) Three Hallmark Christmas movies, two dates and a smile and a twinkle in my eye.

On the Fifth Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: Five Gold-en Rings. (Because it’s looking like that may be the only way I get one, and my elf was feeling generous that day.) Four Christmas Carols, three Hallmark Christmas movies, two dates (the first guy texted me to say he found his wallet and asked if I wanted another date….No Sir, I don’t), and a smile and a twinkle in my eye.

On the Sixth Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: A six pack of Sun-Kist (My wish list said to be kissed at sunset, but apparently my elf was having trouble reading that day.) Five Gold-en Ring. (You know, you say those three words slower, like in the song, even as you are reading.) Four Christmas Carols, three Hallmark Christmas movies, two dates, and a smile and a twinkle in my eye.

On the Seventh Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: Seven holiday parties (I only went to two, but a girl needs options), a six pack of Sun-Kist – Five Gold-en Rings. Four Christmas Carols, three Hallmark Christmas movies, two dates, and a smile and a twinkle in my eye.

On the Eighth Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: Eight pairs of socks (It’s not romantic, but neither are cold feet. Have you ever been startled from your sleep by a frozen hallux? That’s just a fancy name for a big toe, people.) Seven holiday parties, a six pack of Sun-Kist – Five Gold-en Rings. Four Christmas Carols, three Hallmark Christmas movies, two dates, and a smile and a twinkle in my eye.

On the Ninth Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: Nine Christmas Candles. (He got me the battery-operated ones this year. Last year he got me the regular ones and I feel asleep while watching one of those repeat Hallmark Christmas movies with one of those dates and almost torched the place.) Eight pairs of sock, seven holiday parties, a six pack of Sun-Kist – Five Gold-en Rings. Four Christmas Carols, three Hallmark Christmas movies, two dates, and a smile and a twinkle in my eye.

On the Tenth Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: Ten - Reasons to give my family while I’m still single. (I’m holding out for Owen Wilson… I want to continue to drink straight from the milk carton… I am too busy folding those eight new pair of socks… You know, important reasons like that.) Nine Christmas Candles, eight pairs of socks, seven holiday parties, a six pack of Sun-Kist – Five Gold-en Rings. Four Christmas Carols, three Hallmark Christmas movies (he threw in a new one for good measure), two dates, and a smile and a twinkle in my eye.

On the Eleventh Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: Eleven Christmas Cards. (These are to put on my mantel so when people come over, it actually looks like I have a life. I’ve told him not to bother, that no one sends Christmas Cards anymore, but he points out that my negative attitude is starting to get on his nerves. It takes a lot to tick off a Christmas elf.) Ten reasons for why I’m still single (My elf has a few ideas of his own.) Nine Christmas Candles, eight pairs of socks, seven holiday parties, a six pack of Sun-Kist – Five Gold-en Rings. Four Christmas Carols, three Hallmark Christmas movies, two dates, and a smile and a twinkle in my eye.

One the Twelfth Day of Single Christmas, my holiday elf gave to me: Twelve Christmas Cookies. (My elf said I needed something sweet going on in my life, and he is going to help me join Weight Watches for the New Year). Eleven Christmas Cards, ten reasons for while I’m still single (eating twelve cookies at one sitting doesn’t help), nine Christmas Candles (the batteries died already), eight pairs of socks (actually, I’ve lost three socks in the dryer, so I now have five pairs of socks and three singles, like me), seven holiday parties, a six pack of Sun-Kist – Five Gold-en Rings. Four Christmas Carols, three Hallmark Christmas movies, two dates (The no-show actually had the nerve to send me an email wishing me a Merry Christmas)… And most important of all…….

A Smile And A Twinkle In My Eye!!!

My Hopefuls, I put this together as a light-hearted look at being a SIM (Single In Mid-Life) during the holidays, but I do know that it can also be a little lonely at times. My wish for each of you is to share in the joy of the season with your family and friends and truly believe in your worth and beauty. There are movies, songs and parties that can highlight our single status, but there are countless other ways to embrace and enjoy the holidays. Always remember the Reason For The Season and reach out to those less fortunate. Make the most of each day during this holiday and may you also have a smile and a twinkle in your eye!

Merry Christmas Everyone! *LIKE* and *SHARE* if you enjoyed!!

Hope With Abandon!

Hope Out!

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